Clique aqui ==> Bancada marceneiro simplificado para baixar o arquivo Sketchup.
Uma das coisas que mais me incomodava era o fato de por ser pesada, na hora de limpar e arrastar para lavar o local, a bancada acabava molhando e os pé dela e sei que com o tempo, a bancada vai absorvendo umidade e estragando, assim, coloquei rodizos no pés para deslocar ela para onde quisesse e sem muito esforço.As pernas são de cedro a marradas por duas travessas de cedrilho.
O tampo é de caibro de cedro aparelhado com medida fina de 40 x 40 mm unidos por duas barras rosqueada com porcas pressionando os caibro. Ficou muito firme e excelente para absorver impacto do formão e martelo.
Para acabamento, eu lixei e envernizei com Stain impregnante a prova d'água e do sol para que a madeira fique protegido dos intemperizes do tempo - 3 demãos.
No próximo post eu coloco as fotos de como ficou.
Was analyzing the project bench I started and realized that the bench was getting too close and gross to the goals of the woodwork that is in my project , so I thought I'd change the design , re - analyzed the model and drew in Sketchup program - excellent program for modeling and creating woodworking projects . I am providing below the Archiving Project for those who wish to copy or even improve it .
One of the things that bothered me was that by being heavy , time to clean and wash the drag to place the bench and ended up wetting her foot and I know that with time , the bench will absorb moisture and spoiling , so I put in rodizos feet to move it to wherever he wanted and without much effort .
The legs are cedar the buck for two sleepers cedrilho .
The top is cedar rafter outfitted with thin measuring 40 x 40 mm together with two threaded rods with nuts pressing the rafter . It was very firm and excellent for absorbing impact chisel and hammer .
To finish, I sanded and envernizei with pervasive Stain waterproof and sun so that the wood is protected from intemperizes time - 3 coats .
In the next post I put the photos of how it was .
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